All Ways Well is an Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine practice located in La Center, Washington belonging to Rebecca M H Kitzerow, LAc, MAcOM. Rebecca is a licensed acupuncturist dedicated to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals by using a combination of acupuncture, foot reflexology, lifestyle, nutritional and dietary recommendations and Chinese herbology.
Trained and certified by world-renowned teacher, lecturer, and facial rejuvenation acupuncture practitioner Virginia Doran, M.Ac. L.Ac, LMT, Rebecca also practices facial rejuvenation acupuncture, an amazing system to re-sculpt the face, neck and jaw areas to eliminate wrinkles and promote a glowing complexion. It is also useful in treating acne, acne rosacea, facial scars, facial discoloration and more. Rebecca is also training with Monika Kobalyecka and author Kiiko Matsumoto in Kiiko style Japanese Acupuncture. A gentle and profoundly effective type of constitutional Acupuncture that provides instant feedback for treatment success using Hara (abdominal) diagnosis. Rebecca's specialties include women's health, post partum cesarian section recovery, neck pain, back pain, knee pain and surgery recovery, frozen shoulder and shoulder tendonitis, thoracic outlet syndrome, auto accident recovery, digestive disorders especially irritable bowel syndrome, sports injury recovery, surgery recovery, STRESS, anxiety, cold and flu treatment and prevention, general health optimization and maintenance. Free consultations always available, insurance accepted. Call or book online today for more information. |
We're here to help you achieve and maintain your unique health and wellness goals by combining acupuncture, foot reflexology, facial rejuvenation and Chinese herbology. Insurance is accepted, and you can book online 24/7!