Chinese Herbal Medicine is the epiphany of what is called "syndrome differentiation" in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Syndrome Differentiation is the idea that every individual has a unique set of symptoms and has arrived at their current state of health or illness in a unique way. Therefore, they should have a unique treatment suited just to them.
Diabetes is a great example. If 5 patients come to an Acupuncturist for diabetes and each of them is on the same Western prescription medications and each has the same type of diabetes, they may all be treated completely differently from a Chinese Medicine perspective. This is because while they all may have the same Western diagnosis and labs, they all will present slightly differently. One may be tall, another short, one may be overweight while another is thin, one will have a dark red tongue while another may have a pale light colored tongue.
All of these constitutional differences serve to show that the individual is different and has a different Chinese energetic diagnosis. This energetic diagnosis determines treatment.
Herbs are mixed and matched to the individual constitution and can provide profound healing results. Custom herbal remedies can be part of Acupuncture treatment at All Ways Well.
The cost of herbs themselves are separate and can be prescribed for pick up at a local herbal dispensary, or they can be shipped to you directly for your convenience.