A study conducted in an integrative medical center in the Midwest and published in the December issue of Alternative and Complementary Therapies, showed acupuncture can be a safe and effective alternative to treating pain in pediatric patients. Chronic pain is very prevalent in children and it can cause lifelong trauma if not dealt with. This study followed 55 participants throughout eight acupuncture treatments. The study surveyed the participants regarding pain, nausea and quality of life both before and after the acupuncture treatments. The results showed both the parents and the participants indicated decreased pain and nausea, as well as increased quality of life after the treatments had concluded. While more studies need to be done, this is a good indication acupuncture can be used to treat pediatrics with successful outcomes.
Most kids, as well as a lot of adults, are afraid of needles. So the pairing of acupuncture and kids might not be an obvious one. However, more and more parents are seeking alternative methods of treatment for their children. This is because our conventional medical system is faltering a bit. Pharmaceuticals are proving to be more harmful than beneficial for many individuals, especially children. And with their bodies and brains still being developed, who can really blame a parent for wanting to find an alternative to drugs with adverse side effects? Acupuncture is part of an ancient medical system known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is commonly used to treat a multitude of ailments in adults and gaining popularity among pediatrics. There are licensed acupuncturists who specialize in treating children and they are in high demand. These pediatric acupuncturists are helping children where others can’t and for many, it is lifesaving. Parents are turning to acupuncture because it provides a safe resolution of illness, while also preventing future illnesses. This happens because acupuncture and acupressure stimulate the body’s ability to restore and heal itself. Our bodies are fully capable of fighting off disease and healing injuries when the right tools are provided. Acupuncture not only stimulates the immune system, but also relaxes the nervous system and regulates the digestive and hormonal systems. All of these systems need to be in balance for the body to heal. Many times parents are told by doctors that what their child is experiencing is just “a phase” and he/she “will grow out of it.” In many ways, this ignores the real issues at hand. Conventional medicine doesn’t work holistically and parents are usually sent to a dozen different specialists who don’t coordinate to find the best treatment for the child. This becomes frustrating and financially taxing for the parent, not to mention how the child feels. This is where acupuncture excels. A single acupuncture treatment can address pain, anxiety, insomnia and digestive issues all at the same time. Not only is acupuncture more cost effective when it comes to treating children, but it also is a more logical approach. Why add in the stress of seeing multiple doctors when you can have everything addressed by just one? If your child is suffering from pain, asthma, ADHD or any other type of ailment, acupuncture might hold the answer. Well guys, its that time again - Natural Awakenings Magazine has opened up voting for the 2018 Natural Choice or "Nattie" Awards. For the past 4 years, thanks to all of my INCREDIBLE patients, I have won Favorite Acupuncture/TCM Practitioner and each year I have won something else as well including Holistic Practitioner of the Year, Favorite Women's Health Specialist, Holistic Practice of the Year, and Holistic Practitioner of the Year. Can we do it again?? I feel unbelievably blessed to have won so many awards. I would be amazing to win again, and I will be honored to pass on that baton to someone else if my day is done. Still - if you have a moment please vote! and let's see what happens. The voting closes October 1st, thank you!! A study published by the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine concludes acupuncture treatments can indeed help treat the common cold. The study followed 187 participants based on the onset of when the cold occurred. The participants were divided into two groups. The first group reported an onset time of cold symptoms within 36 hours and the second group reported an onset of symptoms greater than 36 hours. Both groups showed significant decreases in symptoms, as well as cold duration. This study demonstrates how receiving acupuncture treatments can shorten the length of time a person deals with the common cold and its symptoms.
Everybody has suffered from the common cold at some point along this journey called life. The common cold is an acute viral infection that affects the throat and nasal passages. Symptoms of a cold may include headaches, fatigue, a sore throat, nasal congestion, sneezing, a runny nose and coughing. With the normal progression of a cold, the throat symptoms, such as coughing, tend to be worse around the fifth day, while the nasal symptoms are nearing the end of their duration. Overall, the symptoms of the common cold tend to last about seven to 10 days. The typical treatment for a cold is to make sure you are getting plenty of sleep, taking in enough fluids and using steam to break up the mucus in the nasal passages. Because the common cold is caused by a viral infection, the virus must be allowed to run its course, while the symptoms are merely managed. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) takes a different approach though. It utilizes modalities like acupuncture, cupping and herbal formulas that can dramatically decrease the severity of symptoms and time that somebody suffers from a cold. The practice of acupuncture is supposed to be used as preventive medicine. Not to say acupuncture can’t be used to treat already existing ailments, because it can, and it works very well in this capacity, but isn’t it better to avoid getting sick than to wait until the ailment is already affecting you? This is where acupuncture can help. Regular acupuncture treatments can increase your immunity, which will help fight off any disease, including the common cold. Acupuncture also helps decrease stress which can be a key factor in any disease. Studies indicate when the body is relaxed and not stressed, the immune system functions more efficiently. Cupping, another technique utilized in TCM, helps boost the immune system. Cupping creates negative pressure that suctions the skin into the cup. This action causes the cells in the body to develop a greater number of receptors on the surface that can better respond to an enzyme known as heme oxygenase 1. This enzyme acts as an antioxidant that protects your body against harmful elements like the common cold virus. TCM also uses herbs to prevent and treat many ailments, including the common cold. For instance, herbs like licorice root, also known as Gan Cao in TCM, can be used to treat a cough. It also has the ability to boost the immune system and help get rid of mucus in the respiratory tract. Cinnamon, or Gui Zhi, is another commonly used herb that helps ward off the common cold. With all this evidence, it makes perfect sense to start using Traditional Chinese Medicine as a method of preventing the common cold. |
AuthorsRebecca M H Kitzerow is a Licensed Acupuncturist practicing in La Center, Washington. With over a decade of experience she has won 10 Nattie consumer choice awards from Natural Awakenings Magazine since 2014. Archives
October 2024