When acupuncturists treat back pain in Chinese Medicine we often focus on 2 aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM): the Kidney system and the concept of ‘qi (energy) & Blood Stagnation’. The low back is the ‘mansion of the kidneys’ and relies on good stores of kidney qi for proper function while qi & blood stagnation is a major contributor to low back pain. Qi and blood stagnation can be due to external factors such as pathogens or trauma, or internal weakness of qi and blood flow related to diet and lifestyle. Many of the bad habits we develop that can induce back pain are repeated poor choices in our everyday lives that cause qi and blood stagnation and/or tax our kidney system. Let’s look at some of the common problem areas:
For additional assistance in changing unhealthy behaviors, moving qi and blood stagnation and supporting your kidneys for back pain relief and better overall health, get in for some re-balancing acupuncture treatments! |
AuthorsRebecca M H Kitzerow is a Licensed Acupuncturist practicing in La Center, Washington. With over a decade of experience she has won 10 Nattie consumer choice awards from Natural Awakenings Magazine since 2014. Archives
July 2024