Acupuncture has been used to treat addiction for many years. Curbing addiction, specifically when it comes to smoking, is not something that can be done overnight. There will be times when you think you won’t be able to stay smoke-free and want to give up. Considering acupuncture treatment when you are trying to quit can have great effects on helping you back on the road to better health. Acupuncture works by addressing the body as a whole. Illness arises when there is a blockage or stagnation in our natural energy flow. By using acupuncture points, this treatment helps to release these blockages and return the body back to its natural flow. The acupuncture point specifically used to help curb smoking urges is called “Tim Mee” and is located on the inside of the arm. This point helps change the body’s perception of nicotine. This point combined with others can help reduce cravings. Not only can acupuncture help curb addiction, but aid in symptoms of withdrawal from nicotine once you quit. Symptoms like jitters, mood swings and restlessness are common when quitting smoking. When you feel anxious from these feelings, it is even easier to feel the need for a cigarette. Specific acupuncture points can help relax and detoxify the body to lower withdrawal symptoms. A study done at the University of Oslo, Norway, found that those who were trying to quit smoking and received acupuncture treatment reported a reduced craving for smoking and a greater distaste for tobacco. Acupuncture can not completely eliminate addiction, but it a great aid in the recovery process after quitting. The first and hardest step is to decide to quit, there are many treatments including acupuncture that can help you on the way therein after. I personally have worked in addiction at Hooper Detox (the location of our local "drunk tank" in Portland which also houses an inpatient addiction recovery program) and I can tell you from experience how incredibly powerful Acupuncture for the symptoms of withdrawal can be. When I worked in this setting, there were 2 of us who would have 40 minutes to treat 45 people in a group setting who were detoxing from alcohol, heroin, methamphetamine and more. We were almost throwing needles we had so little time, but even applying a simple 5NP (5 Needle Protocol) ear acupuncture treatment would take the room from a state of anxious fidgety discomfort, to utter silence in under 10 minutes. Based on this experience, and the 10 years since, I can promise you that Acupuncture is a powerful, effective and successful addition to any program to quit smoking. Contact me today and learn how acupuncture can help you stay smoke free for a healthier body, mind and spirit. BOOK NOW by clicking here for an appointment or free consult. Sources: |
AuthorsRebecca M H Kitzerow is a Licensed Acupuncturist practicing in La Center, Washington. With over a decade of experience she has won 10 Nattie consumer choice awards from Natural Awakenings Magazine since 2014. Archives
October 2024