When people think of Acupuncture, the first thing they usually associate it with is treatment for pain. Acupuncture, however, is far broader than that. In fact, Acupuncture can even be used to assist in emotional healing. How can Acupuncture balance your emotions? Why would emotional healing and Acupuncture even remotely be connected? Primarily this is due to the theory of the 5 Elements. Acupuncture for Emotional TreatmentOne of the central theories behind Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture is called 5 Element Theory. This theory states that each element has a series of associations, and that these associations determine relationships between the elements and the energetic channels. These relationships then dictate a specific health balance that we strive for, and allow for specific imbalances to be recognized, and for specific treatments to be derived. When it comes to emotions, this basic 5 Element Theory is instrumental. Within 5 Element Theory, different emotions are associated with balance or imbalance in specific energetic channels or meridians. If out of balance (as can be evidenced by emotional state) these channels can be balanced using specific acupuncture points to strengthen or calm the misbehaving element. Once balance is achieved a calmer and stronger emotional state is naturally reached. Especially in cases of Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, PTSD, coping with Grief and Loss and Mood Swings associated with hormonal issues or drug and alcohol withdrawal, Acupuncture can be very effective by following 5 Element theory point prescriptions along with “5NP” also called “5 Needle Protocol” or “NADA” Acupuncture. 5NP Acupuncture is a specific ear acupuncture treatment that is used in battlefield Acupuncture, disaster relief and detoxification treatments with immediate calming effects on the mind, body and spirit. 5 Elements in Chinese Medicine
The five elements also have generating and controlling cycles as shown in this image: The generating cycles make a circle - Wood generates Fire, Fire generates Earth, Earth generates Metal, Metal Generates Water and Water generates Wood. Then the controlling cycle is represented by the star pattern in the center. By following these cycles we can generate and strengthen, or calm and control, different elements and their associated emotional states. Emotional Healing and AcupunctureAs I hope you can now see, emotional healing and Acupuncture are a natural fit. With 3,000 years behind 5 Element Theory diagnosis and treatment, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have a proven track record of success in emotional healing.
In my practice I find that the Liver and Heart in particular are often some of the primary meridians affected in our busy modern world. Our creative natures can be malnourished and become stagnant (Wood), while our stress and frustration (Fire) can be high leading to a Wood and Fire imbalance between these two organs. A series of 6 to 8 weekly treatments including 5NP and individual point prescriptions based on personal need can make a world of difference in your emotional landscape and enhance any other work you might be doing - be it counseling, psychotherapy, self help, meditation, yoga, or pharmaceuticals - to help manage unruly emotions. Indeed, Zen masters often say that you cannot see your reflection in running water, only still water. Calm emotions are like that still water allowing you to see yourself and the world around your clearly towards being present. Acupuncture can give you time and space to calm the waters, and a tool that helps you stay still and practice a little of this Zen state. If you want to know more, please don’t hesitate to contact me anytime. Until then, enjoy the beautiful Fall weather! ~Rebecca |
AuthorsRebecca M H Kitzerow is a Licensed Acupuncturist practicing in La Center, Washington. With over a decade of experience she has won 10 Nattie consumer choice awards from Natural Awakenings Magazine since 2014. Archives
October 2024