Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, also called Facial Acupuncture or Cosmetic Acupuncture, is often referred to as a “Botox Alternative.” While this is true - the effects of Facial Acupuncture are most often likened to that of a natural Botox treatment - Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture does so much more. Rejuvenation really is the best term for what Facial Acupuncture can do. It can lift, firm, tighten, enhance muscle done and dermal contraction, improve complexion, reduce wrinkles and eliminate some fine lines, relax facial muscles and more. The most amazing part? All of this is done naturally by improving Qi and Blood circulation and stimulating YOUR body to heal and turn back the clock. Want to know how Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture does it? Read on… How Does Facial Acupuncture Work?The exact mechanism of action for how and why Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture can do what it does has not been researched from a western perspective. Theoretically, however, there is both Chinese Medicine theory and Western Scientific theory. Chinese Medicine states that Facial Acupuncture works in many ways. Primary among them are these three principles:
Western Medicine has the following ideas about how Facial Acupuncture might be doing the magic it can do:
The Real Magic of Facial Rejuvenation AcupunctureTheory is one thing, but knowing that Facial Rejuvenation has a 3,000 year history, and having a bank of clients who can attest to the changes in their skin, I can say with confidence that no matter the theory, the reality is that it works. The real magic of Facial Acupuncture lies in the fact that it stimulates your body to turn back the clock naturally for long lasting anti-aging effects. The Qi and Blood improvement, the constitutional wellbeing, the increased collagen and elastin - all of these are things your body does with the proper Facial Acupuncture nudge, and that means they are things your body can keep with proper maintenance as well. The effects of Facial Acupuncture don’t just wear off like Botox, they can actually stay with you for years to come. Since we are fighting the natural process of aging, however, some maintenance is required and how much maintenance after an initial series depends on your age and the specific geography of your face. The only way to determine what it would require for you, is to come in for a consult or treatment to get a true assessment of your skin and your goals. Contact Rebecca with QuestionsFacial Acupuncture is an amazing anti-aging treatment and tool. Its something I feel very passionate about because the transformation I see in men and women when they feel more confident in their presentation to the world can be truly astonishing sometimes. If you have questions contact me via email anytime or book a free consultation online. I am happy to help in any way I can!
Until next time, ~Rebecca |
AuthorsRebecca M H Kitzerow is a Licensed Acupuncturist practicing in La Center, Washington. With over a decade of experience she has won 10 Nattie consumer choice awards from Natural Awakenings Magazine since 2014. Archives
October 2024