If you’ve ever been in a car accident you know how traumatic they can be. Even a relatively minor auto accident is shocking to the system. This shock can take 10-14 days to wear off, actually, and often times even if you walk away from a car accident feeling okay, after a week or two the back pain and the whiplash we typically associate with auto accidents makes itself known. This is what prompts us to seek Acupuncture for auto accident recovery, or Chiropractic and Physical Therapy. What many people don’t realize is that car accidents often cause more subtle effects that can last beyond the typical treatment and claim cycle. In particular, headaches and insomnia. Headaches and Insomnia After a Car AccidentHeadaches are relatively common and can be part and parcel with whiplash and neck pain after an auto accident. Treatment for headache is a typical part of car accident treatment, but often times the immediate neck pain related headache can give way to a dull recurrent ache that feels reluctant to disperse. Subtle, recurring and annoying, it can feel like background noise to your life that just doesn’t want to go away. In the worst case scenario, migraines can ensue and become long lasting and intractable. Insomnia can also come on insidiously after an auto accident. At first it is hard to sleep due to the pain, and then after the majority of the pain is relieved sleep will improve, but often sleep difficulties can return 6 to 12 months later. Difficulty falling asleep and difficulty staying asleep are both common, as are lucid dreams that make you feel less than rested. I personally feel like true insomnia is one of the most difficult symptoms to experience - feeling continuously tired, on edge, sluggish and dull can make every aspect of life from work to personal enjoyment difficult. Acupuncture for Auto Accident RecoveryAcupuncture is an excellent choice for auto accident recovery and offers hope for both the immediate and subtle effects of a car accident. In Acupuncture for car accident treatment, many of these subtle effects can be headed off at the pass - since Acupuncture is a holistic treatment that cannot completely divorce symptoms from underlying causes, be they immediate or long term, we often see not only reduction in pain and an increase in physical relaxation, but also improvements in
Addressing these things together and immediately as part of auto accident treatment can decrease the likelihood of the more subtle effects of a car accident to rear their ugly heads. Even if you do not seek Acupuncture treatment until long after an auto accident, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine together can offer relief for these symptoms by addressing the body holistically from both a physical and energetic perspective. Want to Know More? Ask Rebecca.I have been on the receiving end and giving end of auto accident treatment and I can tell you, that few modalities encompass the whole of the car accident recovery picture as well as Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. It can treat the body, the mind, the spirit, the emotions, even help to balance your hormones and your blood flow, addressing many aspects of car accident treatment which can be complex based on many factors.
If you’re curious about knowing more, you can comment here and I’ll respond as quick as I can. Remember that for supplementation, acupuncture, general health or facial rejuvenation questions you can always book a free consult or a full acupuncture session online. Thanks for tuning in! Until next time, ~Rebecca |
AuthorsRebecca M H Kitzerow is a Licensed Acupuncturist practicing in La Center, Washington. With over a decade of experience she has won 10 Nattie consumer choice awards from Natural Awakenings Magazine since 2014. Archives
October 2024